What we stand for

We will not back-bite, gossip, or hate.

We will look to God for our identity.

We will deny the world's definition of who we are.

We will support and care for each other and those around us.

We will stay connected with God and with each other.

We will eat up life with joy and fun!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pix from 5-20

Here some pix of some amazing girls having a fantastic time last Friday!!!


  1. NotmissingschoolabitJune 14, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    Cant wait for next one!!! BTW, Erin, my ears are still ringing from your screaming!

  2. Wait.... Who's this? And how do you know my name, Miss Notmissingschoolabit? By the way, whoever you are, I'm not missing it either!!!!

  3. Hey Miss SurferGal Erin! I was reading the comments.... What were you screaming about?
