Well, what can you say about our December GNO?
It was beast, beastiest of the beast!!!
At the beginning of the night, the room had about 500 balloons in it.
Lots and Lots and LOTS
only latex pieces all over the place!
What a crazy fun time to hang out, eat and laugh and play!!!
Plus, we talked more about our theme verse - "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This time in conjunction with movies. We again learned that what we put into our minds, invest ourselves in, and spend time doing is what we tend to become like. We saw and talked about some examples of movies that lead us toward Godliness and some that lead us away. We also learned that many times the influence that these types of things have on us is not something we see at first. We even talked about ways to guard ourselves from harm and bad influences and to help each other to treasure the best, so our heart will move toward the best!!!
In short, it was a great time!!
We will be hanging out again on February 3rd, March 16th and April 13th - all 7-10PM unless you are otherwise informed!
hope to see you there!!!
Its was totally awesome!