What we stand for

We will not back-bite, gossip, or hate.

We will look to God for our identity.

We will deny the world's definition of who we are.

We will support and care for each other and those around us.

We will stay connected with God and with each other.

We will eat up life with joy and fun!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Next GNO!!

Girl's  Night Out


Get Ready for a Fall Blast!!!


Friday November 16th


617 Wexford Dr., Lafayette,



Emily Hendrick's House

Hope to see you there!



  1. I am sssooo excited for the next GNO! I am literally counting down the days until that Friday!

    Emily H.

  2. hey girls hey...
    I made this thing/artsy computer stuff on one of my mom's fav. websites and it is a collection of all the most used words on here. ask me for the link b/c I just tried pasting it on here and it wouldn't let me publish it. sorry and bye!
