What we stand for

We will not back-bite, gossip, or hate.

We will look to God for our identity.

We will deny the world's definition of who we are.

We will support and care for each other and those around us.

We will stay connected with God and with each other.

We will eat up life with joy and fun!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Can you say "SMORES?"

Well, it was a great time Friday night - running around, being crazy and eating yummy smores around the campfire!

It was great to hang out and just relax - no pressure, no finals, no nothing, but some girls wanting to really be what God is making them to be!!

We learned about "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." and watched clips from "The Blind Side" and talked about how what we put into ourselves, expose ourselves to, and involve ourselves with, makes a huge impact on who we become!

In coming months we will be talking about a variety of things that influence us, trying to make sure that we place our treasure in the right place...


of course


Hope to see you in June - check back for the June date soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post often, people.
